Yet another ‘You can make money’ offer

I haven’t tried this programme yet and hope anyone who have earned real money can give me his/her recommendation. I had done a bit of googling about Triond but am not ready to jump in yet.

Triond requires the bloggers to write articles which they will publish on their sites. Then, they will share 50% of the ads income they receive. I find that a bit of time consuming because I already can’t keep up with writing about the latest news that interests parents and my personal rantings in my blog.

However, I see this as a good opportunity for those bloggers whose blogs aren’t accepted into any ad program. You may want to find out what sort of articles they are searching for and who knows, you can have an income that runs on continuously.

Good luck!

Post Author: lilian

1 thought on “Yet another ‘You can make money’ offer


    (December 14, 2006 - 8:58 pm)


    TQ for telling about Triond. I want to ask, how do you got your Triond referral id? I can’t find mine. Please email me. TQ

    Yr blog inspired me in blogging n making money. TQ again.

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