The Law of Attraction – The secret to making money

Many of you may have heard of the movie “The Secret”. Well, it has spawned in a new money making method called The science of getting rich. With these great men behind it, you bet that it is not some claims but real techniques that will make everyone rich.

Who are behind them? They are Bob Protor and Jack Canfield. If you are in the marketing field, you will know that Bob Proctor is a highly respected marketing guru whilsts Jack Canfield is famous for his Chicken Soup series.

They have designed a Home Seminar based on the Science of Getting Rich, a Step-By-Step Program that teaches you How to Master the Law of Attraction and Make it Work for You. If you are one with positive outlook that if you work hard using the right module and you can be successful, then, this SGR Program is tailored just for you.

Get over to their site, check out how it works, read all about it and if it entices you, try it! Leave me a note if you are positive about this. I would like to get rich too!

*This post is brought to you by SGR*

Post Author: lilian

1 thought on “The Law of Attraction – The secret to making money

    Aldian Prakoso

    (May 9, 2007 - 4:15 pm)


    If you want to get SGR program but you find it’s out of your pocket, consider to get OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator. It has 365-day money back guarantee and comes with free report by Bob Proctor on Science of Getting Rich.

    OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator helps you visualizing easier hence it helps you visualizing wealth and riches.

    Give it a try at

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