More exciting things from PayPerPost

Folks, have you check out PayPerPost’s blog? Ted Murphy is teasing the posties with yet another new feature. If I guess correctly, it will be a directory of the posties where advertisers can browse and pick the blog they want to hire. Right now, everyone has the badge on the sidebar but it is hard for advertisers to stumble upon our blog and hire us. In fact, I have no luck with [tag]PayPerPost[/tag] Direct because I put a very high figure on each blog. Hehehe, I want to maintain market price.

So, hop over to PPP’s blog and read what Ted Murphy revealed about (the site is not available yet)

Now, it looks like PayPerPost will be a combination of where we get to bid with the publishers and the previous ReviewMe where advertisers choose us. I am certainly looking forward to this feature!

(and no, I am not paid to write this)

Post Author: lilian

2 thoughts on “More exciting things from PayPerPost


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    (June 7, 2007 - 10:23 pm)

    Oops lilian.. looks like you have a couple of unwanted comments here. Anyway, I do hope that with the launch of the new site, we can continue to get more opps and earn some good $. These days, it isn’t ez grabbing those good and high $ opps hor…

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