Is your blog living in a ‘bad’ neighbourhood?

I read that if our blog is hosted on some servers with bad neighbourhood, we run the risk of getting spanked by Google too. The websites from the same server share the same IP and hence, if some of those have blackhat activities, i.e. producing link farms or other methods of gaming the SERP, then, we may be affected too.

So, after my earlier post about these two bloggers’ blog who lost their PR, I find out from and true enough, the two bloggers I mentioned are hosted on the same server. I will not give their URLs because I don’t need their blind followers to flame me for the wrong reasons.

Now, are you living in a bad neighbourhood? What other websites are hosted on the same server as you? Curious to find out? You can check from and other sites. Once you entered your blog URL, it will shows you a long list, or short one (as I am using a VPS) of websites ‘living’ with you.

Post Author: lilian

5 thoughts on “Is your blog living in a ‘bad’ neighbourhood?

    Aerobatics instruction

    (April 8, 2008 - 1:17 am)

    I frankly speaking cant believe this will be common practice as this could affect all people that are on shared hosting. And commonly those are not the people engaging in black hat practices. Lets see…


    (April 11, 2008 - 8:26 am)

    One good thing about the whole issue, is that Google moves slowly. It takes them enough time to find a misbehaving website, and it takes even more misbehaving in order for google to take serious steps, such as IP banning.

    Technically, it’s gambling, who finds the problem first? The host, to stop the account, or Google?

    Yahoo has some similar features for the “report spam” button in their email. Instead of treating mails individually, they state they want to build IP and server patterns, and then ban all of them at once, with a single stroke. So far so good, I haven’t had issues, but some innocent people may find their emails blocked after such actions, too.

    Now let’s see where I’m standing .. never knew there’s such a tool for checking ..


    (April 11, 2008 - 5:11 pm)

    yahoo has some similar features for the “report spam” button in their email. Instead of treating mails individually, they state they want to build IP and server patterns, and then ban all of them at once.

    Andy F

    (May 5, 2008 - 8:41 pm)

    Ok, so I’ve checked out YouGetSignal and it’s flagged up 2 websites on the same hosting that it says contain explicit content.

    I’ve checked and they don’t. But what if Google is thinking the same way? Is there anyway to check what Google thinks?


    (September 2, 2008 - 2:49 am)

    Same here. Is there anyway of seeing what the search engines consider ‘bad neighbours’?

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