Firefox 3 is nice but…

Earlier, I downloaded the RC version for Mac but I couldn’t get it to work. So, the moment I heard the final version is available for downloading, I did it last midnight.

Initially, before I re-start my Mac, the toolbars and addons I was using disappeared. This morning, when I turn on my Mac, they were all there.

But….where is my Back button? LOL, am I missing something?

Anyway, I use both Safari and Firefox and I find the Firefox 3 so much nicer so it is sort of my primary browser.

Get your Firefox 3 download over here.

And please tell me you are not still using Internet Explorer! ‘Cos I know my WordPress theme is screwed when viewed on certain versions of IE.

Post Author: lilian

2 thoughts on “Firefox 3 is nice but…

    Make Money Talks

    (June 19, 2008 - 6:13 pm)

    I will stick to FF 2.5 until they don’t make first “patch” and plugin updates for FF 3.0

    Shawn Casey

    (June 19, 2008 - 8:01 pm)

    I am not still using Internet Explorer.

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